

  • Get up and Go Welless Journal

    Daily Guide to Wellbeing 2025


    In the spirit of Our Health is our Wealth (“well-th”) , Get up and Go Diaries have created a wellbeing journal in the same format as our ever popular diaries.

    The wellness journal contains beautifully illustrated and inspiring quotes, daily prompts to inspire your wellness journey and reminders of what it takes to keep us well .  In addition there is purpose designed sections to journal and record your thoughts about fitness, nutrition and wellness.
    This A5 journal, much loved in wellness communities worldwide is dated from January 2025 to December 2025 with a week per 2 pages, giving you an abundance of space to jot useful daily information and thoughts down.

    The perfect tool to bring more awareness and structure to your health, well-being and happiness, the “GetUp&Go™ Daily Guide to Wellbeing ” diary will help inspire you 365 days a year.

  • Sale! Leadership Journal

    Leadership Journal

    Original price was: €15.95.Current price is: €14.95.

    Get Up and Go Leadership Journal

    Enhance your leadership as a trusted and inspiring leader by embracing  Self Awareness, embarking on Self Mastery and owning your Self expression.

    Unleash your own leadership potential and allow others to unleash theirs.

    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams`


  • Genius Journal

    Genius Journal by GetUpAndGo


    Ignite your inner genius!  A ‘get up and go’ journal for entrepreneurs and leaders in business and life.

    This is a hardback journal.

  • Sale! Gratitude Journal

    Gratitude Journal

    Original price was: €18.50.Current price is: €16.00.

    The Get up and Go Gratitude Journal is a great way to spend a few minutes daily thinking and write down what you are grateful for. It creates more positive daily emotions and helps you gain clarity on the progress and gratitude in your life so you can welcome in more and streamline your day to day.

    This beautiful, Case Bound, A5 journal is wonderful way to record those people and things in your life that you can be truly grateful for.

  • Perennial Student Journal

    Perennial Student Journal


    This hardwearing, hardcover, perennial journal, that can be started at any time of the year, is a functional, motivating and engaging School Journal that fulfils all the requirements of a standard Homework Journal.

    Its uniqueget up and go content and illustrations make it a hugely valuable resource for growing confidence and self esteem in school students / young adults. 

  • Sale! The Get Up and Go Travel Journal

    The Get Up and Go Travel Journal

    Original price was: €10.00.Current price is: €9.00.

    Capture the Essence of Your Journey: How a Travel Journal Can Preserve Your Memories Your Holiday Season”

    The Get Up and Go Travel Journal is a fun addition to our range of publications. Sprinkled with unique illustrations and travel related quotes, there is plenty of space for you to plan and record your travels, trips, holidays or weekend breaks, wherever you travel, at home or abroad. See how far your Get Up and Go Travel journal will take you.